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Baby Sarah Joy

One of the reasons I love photography so much is that it isn’t just taking pictures… you get to capture a wonderful story of this moment in someone’s life.  I always like to ask if my clients have anything special to include in the photographs – sometimes they have an item a family member made for baby or a special blanket handed down from an important person in their lives. Often, these are the favorite pictures because they hold such unique meaning.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to photograph Miss Sarah, a 9 day old little ball of snuggly sweetness.  Like always, I asked her momma if she had anything to incorporate into the pictures, but the answer I got this time has been on my heart and mind nonstop since she said it.  She pulled out a sweet pink lovey and told me that they had been trying and praying for a child for years but had endured a lot of loss in that time.  This tiny pink blanket was something she had purchased YEARS earlier in faith that God would give her that beautiful baby girl she and her husband were praying for.

As I laid it in the basket next to this fragile little one He had given them to take care of, it was such an awesome image of His faithfulness and such a powerful testament to her faith.  As I drove home, I couldn’t stop thinking of this couple and their new baby.  Such a powerful story behind this photo, and I just had to share!




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